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Teztus is an online platform that uses AI to help educators grade assignments and exams.
Teztus is an online platform that uses AI to help educators grade assignments and exams.

Feedback Report    5.7/9

  • Partially Correct


    Feedback: You're on the right track, but remember that steam causes more severe burns than boiling water because it has absorbed extra energy in the form of latent heat of vaporization, in addition to having more heat energy.

  • Partially Correct


    Feedback: Good job, but remember that particles in solids start vibrating due to an increase in kinetic energy, which is often caused by an increase in temperature. The speed of their vibration also increases with the increase in kinetic energy.

  • Correct

  • Incorrect

    Feedback: Your answer is incorrect. The latent heat of fusion of ice is equivalent to 80 cal/g, not 336 J/g.

  • Partially Correct


    Feedback: You're on the right track, but remember that steam causes more severe burns than boiling water because it has absorbed extra energy in the form of latent heat of vaporization, in addition to having more heat energy.

  • Correct

  • Partially Incorrect


    Feedback: Your answer is partially correct. While temperature does play a role in determining the state of matter, pressure is also a primary factor.

  • Correct

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